All Posts, General Encouragement, Practical Stuff for the Christian's Life, When Life is a Mess

Even If: A Reminder of Our Reality

It’s probably safe to say that most of us are dealing with at least something hard in our lives. There’s always something trying to keep us from trusting God. But God is trustworthy. Even if.

All Posts, General Encouragement, The Beauty of Scripture, When Life is a Mess

Book Recommendation and Bible Study Guide: Hinds’ Feet on High Places

Some books, even with their imperfections, are worth reading, re-reading, and recommending. Hinds' Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard is one of those books for me. And a few years ago, I wrote a Bible Study Guide to go along with it.

All Posts, General Encouragement, Practical Stuff for the Christian's Life, The Beauty of Scripture, Theological Things

When the Bible is Hard to Understand

I'd like to share a thought process I had after watching a teaching that explained a difficult passage of Scripture, in hopes that it will be helpful to more than just me.