All Posts, General Encouragement, Practical Stuff for the Christian's Life, The Beauty of Scripture

11 Prayers in Scripture for When You Don’t Know How to Pray

Have you ever felt lost for words when you pray? I sure have! What should I say? What should I ask for? Should I even ask for things? How should I approach Him? What should my attitude, my goal, my purpose in praying be? God has given us answers in His Word!

All Posts, Theological Things

Why Does Sin Earn Death?

Why is death the penalty for sin? Have you ever wondered about that? Like, why not something else? Or, even better, some might say, why not just let it go, just forgive, without requiring anything? And have you ever wondered why a “little” sin would earn death just like a “big” sin – why a moment of envy or a little white lie would get the same death penalty as murdering 1000 people in cold blood?